Biography of Maluma

Juan Luis Londoño Arias, best known in the art scene as Maluma, is a singer, producer, entrepreneur and composer of the urban genre that was born in Medellín, Colombia, on January 28, 1994. It is signed with the Sony Music Colombia label and has Managed to lead the international charts with his music that has made him one of the most popular artists in the world of urban musical entertainment, not only in his native Colombia, but worldwide. Critics specializing in musical themes consider him as one of the artists of "urban music of greatest impact" in Latin America.

Maluma Childhood and Adolescence

Maluma grew up as a normal child. He began to sing before his classmates and at family gatherings from an early age. It was precisely in an event with his own, while playing hits by Andrés Cepeda and Diego Torres, that an uncle came up with a recording studio, which was the beginning to raise his talent to another level recording two songs with three Recognized producers.

Football was another of his great passions during his childhood and adolescence. After eight years of practicing football and having been a part of the inferiors of Atletico Nacional and Equidad, he had to choose between the two professions that are most passionate about him: football and music. As a good bet, he decided on music as a career. Football left him as a teaching discipline still practicing to succeed in music.

Family and origin of the artistic name of Maluma

Maluma has the unconditional support of his family: Marlli, his mother; Luis, his father; And manuela, his sister. In fact, his stage name, which he has tattooed on his left foot, is a tribute to them. Ma-Lu-Ma is the acronym that consists of the first two letters of the names of: his mother (Marlli), his father (Luis) and his sister (Manuela).

Beginnings of Maluma in music

Maluma rose to fame in Colombia in 2011 for his success with the song "Farandulera", a simple one that he published without specifying a record deal. The subject was extremely successful in his native country, with the excellent reception on the radio and Internet, the Colombian caught the attention of Sony Music Colombia. In the middle of that same year, I managed to sign with that same record label.

Musical trajectory of Maluma

In 2012, Maluma released the album "Magia", with which it obtained a notorious commercial success in Colombia, where it was certified gold by sales that surpassed the ten thousand copies. Soon it began to be widely recognized in the rest of Latin America and the United States for songs like "Obsession", "Loco", "To pass it well", "Miss Independent" and "The temperature".

Later, in 2013, Maluma enjoyed wide popularity, so he entered the top forty positions on several Billboard charts, earning a Latin Grammy nomination in the Best New Artist category. Also, he was a candidate for the Best Latin American Artist at the MTV Europe Music Awards and Best New Artist of the Year at the Premios Nuestra Tierra.

In June of 2014, he began a musical tour of America, visiting countries such as Bolivia, Canada, Colombia, the United States, Ecuador and Venezuela, a month later staged at the Premios Juventud 2014 ceremony with his single "La Temperature, "where he was announced as a jury and coach in the" La Voz kids de Caracol Televisión "talent contest. Ivanna, of the group in which she acted as mentor, won the contest with 44.1% of the votes. In August of 2014, he made his debut as a presenter in the first edition of the Kids' Choice Awards Colombia, of Nickelodeon Latin America.

In April of 2015, he released "El tiki", a simple one that gained popularity when entering the first fifty positions of the list Latin American Music Songs of Billboard, also was candidate to Latin Grammy like better urban interpretation. In June, he released the single "Borro cassette", which quickly became successful, having a receptivity in several countries of America when entering the 3 position of the Hot Latin Songs, reason why became the first song of the artist that Entered the first ten positions of the main list of Latin songs. In October of that same year, Maluma launched his first line of urban clothes and published his second album of study, "Pretty Boy, Dirty Boy", being successful in several South American countries when placing in the first positions of the lists of the albums more downloaded From iTunes.

The album "Pretty Boy, Dirty Boy" managed to enter the number one position of the main Latin album list of Billboard by 3000 units sold, reason why it became the first disc of Maluma that obtained the first position and the first Album of an urban artist of Colombian origin that entered the number of said ranquin of musical popularity, respectively.

In January of the year 2016,
Definiciones de lead
the initiative in an action; an example for others to follow.
The US is now taking the environmental lead
sinónimos: first position, forefront, primacy, dominance, superiority, ascendancy, preeminence, supremacy, advantage, upper hand, whip hand
a position of advantage in a contest; first place.
they were beaten 5-3 after twice being in the lead
sinónimos: the leading position, first place, the van, the vanguard, ahead, in front, winning; leading, first, top, foremost, front, head, chief, principal, main, premier
cause (a person or animal) to go with one by holding them by the hand, a halter, a rope, etc., while moving forward.
she emerged leading a bay horse
13 definiciones más
Ver también
lead time, lead to, to lead, lead singer, take the lead, lead on, lead up, lead guitar, lead out, lead in
Traducciones de lead
lead, plumb, sinker, plummet, plumb bob, plumbum
cable, cord, wire, lead, hawser
initiative, lead, enterprise
de plomo
lead, leaden
main, principal, leading, chief, head, prime
lead, drive, conduct, bring, steer, guide
carry, take, bring, lead, wear, bear
direct, lead, address, manage, conduct, steer
produce, yield, result in, generate, bring about, develop
guide, lead, drive, steer, direct, govern
lead, fall into, disembogue
lead, head, top, lead on, fortify, domineer
61 traducciones más
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