Latest news about the health of "El Puma" Rodríguez

Venezuelan singer José Luis "El Puma" Rodríguez is recovering "better than expected" from the double lung transplant to which he was subjected on Saturday, reported a personal friend of the interpreter of "hold hands."

The way in which the singer has reacted invites those close to him to be "optimistic," Oswaldo Muñoz, president of Grupo Editorial El Venezolano and personal friend of the singer, said to EFE for almost three decades.

However, Muñoz, who accompanies the musician's family in the hospital in these long hours of tension, opted to maintain caution given the severity of the operation and noted that doctors have warned that Rodriguez's recovery will be long.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   "There was already a medical meeting and José Luis is reacting better than expected," said the friend of the Venezuelan musician, who is "conscious", although he can not speak because he remains intubated, said the Spanish news agency EFE.

Doctors, as is traditional in the case of transplants, have alerted relatives that the most critical period of this operation ends after the first 72 hours, which ends tomorrow morning, Muñoz said.

"He has been a vegetarian for more than 30 years and he exercised regularly, he did not smoke or drink alcohol, all of which plays in his favor," added the president of Grupo Editorial El Venezolano.

"El Puma", 74, is recognized throughout the continent by boleros as "Peacock" and "Owner of you."

In the '80s he gave a private show for Pablo Escobar, from which he had to escape, after the drug lord became jealous over his wife's comments about the artist. Source: Télam


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